Murphy Beds vs. Traditional Beds: What’s the Difference?

Murphy Beds vs. Traditional Beds: What’s the Difference?

When choosing a bed for your home, you might feel overwhelmed by the options. Among these options are traditional beds and Murphy beds, which have unique features. 

A traditional bed has a bed frame with a mattress and box spring, while a Murphy bed is a space-saving bed that you can store vertically against a wall or inside a cabinet or closet. We’ll discuss the key differences between Murphy beds and traditional beds to help you determine the better choice.

Space-Saving Capabilities

One of the most apparent differences between Murphy and traditional beds is the space-saving capabilities of the former. Murphy beds are great for people with limited floor space, as they can be stored vertically. This feature makes Murphy beds fantastic for apartment dwellers, those living in tiny houses, and anyone seeking to maximize floor space in their bedrooms.

Comfort and Support

You might wonder if Murphy beds can compete with the comfort and support of traditional beds. While modern Murphy beds save on space, they don’t compromise your sleep quality. Many Murphy beds come with supportive mattresses that ensure a good night’s sleep and can rival the comfort of traditional beds.

Ease of Use

If there’s one thing that makes Murphy beds stand out from traditional ones, it’s their ease of use. Most models have simple mechanisms that allow you to raise and lower the bed with little effort. This makes them perfect for people with mobility limitations or the elderly, as they don’t require any physical effort to open and close.

Style and Design

Traditional and Murphy beds come in a wide variety of designs and styles. However, Murphy beds are popular among people who prefer a modern, minimalist aesthetic. They come in various finishes and materials, allowing you to find one that perfectly matches your décor. Traditional beds, on the other hand, are often considered classic, with wood finishes and decorative headboards.


The cost of a bed is always an important consideration when purchasing. Murphy beds are typically more expensive than traditional beds due to their space-saving capabilities and the technology required to make them. However, the cost of a Murphy bed will vary depending on the size, material, and features you choose. Traditional beds, on the other hand, are usually less expensive than Murphy beds, making them budget-friendly.

While traditional beds have merits, Murphy beds have an edge for modern living. Their space-saving capabilities make them practical for smaller residences, and their ease of use is a great bonus. If you’re keen on contemporary designs, Murphy beds offer a modern aesthetic and various finishes to blend seamlessly with your décor!

If you’re looking for a modern Murphy bed with a couch or another unique feature, InovaBed has a wide selection of high-quality Murphy beds you can choose from. With our Murphy beds, you can maximize your living space without compromising comfort and style. Visit our website today to explore our collection and find the perfect Murphy bed for your home.

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